I was raised to believe that the men and women who served as elected or appointed government officials did so with the desire to serve others.
I knew that they would not always vote the way I wanted. I knew that not every decision they made, law they enacted, or bill they passed would benefit me, as an individual.
But I believed they would make those hard choices with sound knowledge and a shared understanding that they were serving the greater good of all those they represented.
Sadly, I have come to realize that I was wrong.
Many of those in power today do so for the sole purpose of personal gain. Whether it is power, wealth, and/or dominance.
I was foolishly naïve for far too long because now it seems so obvious.
Now, I'm tired and concerned.
And I feel a growing anger inside fed by the disappointment of watching the uber wealthy turn our America into their playground and laughingly trample everything our parents and their parents before them have built.
To those who put them in office, damn you! It is because of you that we must all pay the price!