I'm An American

Not a Republican!
Not a Democrat!

I'm an American!

I was raised to believe that the men and women who served as elected or appointed government officials did so with the desire to serve others.

I knew that they would not always vote the way I wanted. I knew that not every decision they made, law they enacted, or bill they passed would benefit me, as an individual.

But I believed they would make those hard choices with sound knowledge and a shared understanding that they were serving the greater good of all those they represented.

Sadly, I have come to realize that I was wrong.

Many of those in power today do so for the sole purpose of personal gain. Whether it is power, wealth, and/or dominance.

I was foolishly naïve for far too long because now it seems so obvious.

Now, I'm tired and concerned.

And I feel a growing anger inside fed by the disappointment of watching the uber wealthy turn our America into their playground and laughingly trample everything our parents and their parents before them have built.

To those who put them in office, damn you! It is because of you that we must all pay the price!

My Truth

Here's the real problem.

The more YOU read/watch/listen, the more you think "I know."

The more I read/watch/listen, the more I think, "I'm not so sure."

If you do not continually process new information from a place of inquiry, curiosity, and a desire to know more, the less chance you have of discovering the truth.

Until you stop drinking the extremists’ bullshit-flavored Kool-Aid that prevents you from using the critical thinking and logical reasoning skills you were born with (and I hope are still in there lying dormant somewhere), STOP TRYING TO PROVE anything because I promise you I will shred your flawed premises, illogical reasonings, and ridiculous double-standard conclusions to pieces EVERY SINGLE TIME!

The fear-based worship that keeps so many people foolishly believing that Trump and his cronies give a flying FUCK about us or about America as a whole is going to come crashing down one day very soon now that he is back in power. 

Trump, Musk, Hegseth, Kennedy, et al, are nothing more than a group of power hungry, money-grabbing, narcissistic men-babies who are already starting to destroy our nation for their personal gain and amusement. 

Shit-slinging and infighting isn’t far behind as it becomes readily apparent how ill-equipped all of them are to run a country. When they start enacting changes that only benefit the uber rich or changes that have ramifications of which they are too short-sighted to understand, causing all Hell to break loose on the other 99% of us, not a single one of them are going to admit fault and try to right the ship.

And none of those fuckers in Congress who failed to speak up/stand up when they had the chance are going to rescue us either. The senators and representatives who have repeatedly demonstrated their lack of integrity and who can't muster up a complete pair of balls among all of them are not going to be able or willing to help then either.  

Yes, shit's gonna get real. 

Don't start crying how I'm woke and brainwashed by the Dems. I'm not saying any of the previous administrations had it right either, they just weren't so full of hubris as to claim they knew exactly what was wrong and how to fix everything - while simultaneously disrespectfully spewing contempt by slandering anyone who so much as looked at them in disbelief.

While there are so many ways our government needs to change, approaching it solely like a business and having it run by people obviously motivated by personal glory and greed is definitely not the way. 

You see, in the private sector, right or wrong, the focus is on making a profit. There is mostly nothing wrong with that, at least it is expected. 

However, our government (a/k/a the public sector) is focused on serving its people and meeting their needs. 

Any claims that Trump and Musk are well suited to run either are questionable at best. 

Trump’s success in business is dubious. He’s filed bankruptcy at least six times, had multiple businesses collapse, and has never released any tax returns or other verifiable proof that could support his proclamations of being business savvy. 

His political rhetoric and stances shift like the wind and are largely filled with useless generalities, half-baked claims, and wild promises that he cannot possibly and will never make good on.

So many of you have fallen for his deft use of smoke, mirrors, and sleight of mouth while he readily laughs at the world for believing him. 

And Musk, while undeniably successful, achieved that success as an innovator, industry disruptor, and venture capitalist, all of which were magnified by his obsessive/compulsive personality, relentless drive, and charismatic presentation skills.

Every industry-leading company Musk founded or acquired was in an industry with a high barrier to entry and low competition. Also, his highest profile successes (except PayPal) were all reliant on large government subsidies. Grants, credits, low-cost loans. Virtually all his current wealth can be tied to government subsidized revenue. His "playing the system" savvy helped him succeed in markets where most others wouldn’t tread. 

I'm not saying that was wrong of him, only that none of his strengths, skills, or even his experience is relatable to helping run a massively complex government entity that employs ~3 million citizens (almost 2% of America's workforce) and that operates as the infrastructure that serves, supports, and protects over 345 million people! He's not even qualified to run a non-government, government-focused agency named after a crypto parody.

As additional proof, I offer Twitter (excuse me ,X), which he bought about 3 years ago (Oct 2022) for $44Billion and is now valued at around $9B. That’s a loss of more than $10 BILLION EACH YEAR (nearly 80%). That doesn’t sound very savvy. Banks are getting restless and are ready to sell off some of the $13B in debt they loaned him.

To put that point into perspective, Musk sent out an internal memo to X staff saying they are “barely breaking even,” “growth is stagnant, and revenue is unimpressive.” He bought X, sucked it dry in 3 short years (even less than the time he’s hoping to have his fingers in the American Pie), and now someone’s going to pay the price. And I guarantee that, with Musk’s nose so deeply and firmly planted up Trump’s ass, it ain’t going to be him! 

That is, unless their ever-approaching lover’s quarrel turned mudslinging, finger-pointing ugly-like-no-other breakup happens first. But never fear if this does happen, because they'll both be just fine. 

Fortunately, Trump’s a God Damned narcissist and poor little Musk has Asperger’s, so lies and name-calling won’t cause either of them any emotional scars. 

And I'm certain they both have stockpiled resources far outside of American soil.

Only the American people will suffer as we are propelled into a living nightmare watching the political equivalent of Godzilla vs King Kong play out as an IRL global performance of Theatre of the Macabre.

And when it happens - know this - I will never ever say I told you so - not even once!

Because we will need to stick together to survive. We, as a nation, will need to pick up the pieces of our once celebrated country as “The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave." There won't be time or energy for finger pointing or revisiting the past, although I do pray that we will have learned enough from living through it. 

We'll need to come together and keep our gaze squarely focused on rebuilding. I just hope we don't all end up killing each other in the streets before we get the chance.